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10.30 AM TO 3.30 PM

Hub on Rye Hill, Kiln Drive,

Rye Foreign,

TN31 7SQ

Link to Google Maps


There will be two sessions — 10.30 am to 12.30 pm, and 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm. Refreshments are available from the café at the Hub, and we have arranged for people to order lunch in advance to save queuing.

To register and to book a meal (if required), please complete the forms below.

Book a Place
Select an item (£)

Places are limited, but I don't want anybody to be excluded on grounds of cost, so please use the contact form below to request a waiver of the registration fee.Full refunds are available if you find you cannot attend, but please give me as much notice as possible so that I can allocate the place to somebody else. The venue has wheelchair access.

Thank you for registering. I look forward to seeing you on 4th March. Please use the contact form below if you have any special needs or requests.

Choose Your Meal
Drinks are available to purchase from the café
Please select your meal if required (tick one box only)

Thank you for ordering your meal. 

Contact Tina Beattie

Thank you for contacting me. I aim to respond to all messages within 24 hours.

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