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Tina Beattie

Fiction - Theology - Reviews - Reflections
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Who am I?

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Writer, grandma, theologian, hanging on in there but not yet sure where there is. I swim in the sea near my house most days, and when I'm not at home or spending time with family I enjoy a semi-nomadic existence in my matronly old motorhome.

I grew up in Lusaka and have spent much of my life in sub-Saharan Africa (Zambia, Kenya and Zimbabwe). After years as a frustrated secretary and failed attempt to be an earth mother, I started university when the youngest of my four children started school. Somehow, I went from being a rather conservative Presbyterian typist with very little education to being feminist Professor of Catholic Studies at the University of Roehampton, which is too long a story to tell here. Along the way I've published a few books and journal articles, most of which have more footnotes than pages. I've now left my academic post and am focusing on my first and lifelong passion—to write fiction. I have set up a publishing imprint—Christabel Press—where you can read more about my published and forthcoming novels.


My Roehampton website has the official version of this potted biography.


To read more, you might like to visit my Substack site. I am slowly transferring my blogs to Substack, but most of them can still be found on this Wix site or, for older posts, on my Google blog site.

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Contact Tina Beattie
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