Public Lectures and Talks
The Swanson Lecture in Christian Spirituality—12th April 2024
University of Calgary in partnership with the Calgary Public Library
Pope Francis condemns what he calls the “excessive anthropocentrism” of modernity. He invites humankind to heal our relationships with one another and the rest of creation through poetry, art, popular devotions, and prayerful contemplation as well as through action for social and environmental justice. Tina Beattie asks what anthropological transformation might come about if, instead of imagining the divine image (imago dei) in terms of rationality, we adopted Basil of Caesarea’s image of God as the Supreme Artist delighting in the beauty and diversity of creation. She reflects on medieval and modern art, poetry and music, to explore what it would mean to see the human creature as an artist of creation and co-creator with God.
I am gradually adding to this list of links, so this is work in progress)
The following have been recorded and are available online. You can watch them at the links below:
9th March 2023: "Gender and the Common Good" —a Zoom talk and discussion by Tina Beattie for the Scottish Laity Network
17 December 2020: "The Church in Britain" - discussion with Tina Beattie for the Association of Catholic Priests, Ireland (sound recording only)
"Symbolism and Sacramentality in Art"—YouTube video of a talk for the Religion and Art series convened by Nina Danino (Goldsmiths, University of London) and Mark Dean (Arts Chaplaincy Projects), with support from CHASE (Consortium for the Humanities and Arts) and the University of Essex.
11 December 2020: "The Church in a Post-Covid World: From Crisis to Creativity" —talk by Tina Beattie for the Canonesses of the Holy Sepulchre
8 December 2020: "Mary at Christmas" —a Zoom talk and discussion by Tina Beattie for the Edinburgh Jesuit Centre
2 December 2020: "Understanding Gender in Relation to Fratelli Tutti" —inaugural lecture by Tina Beattie for the JDV Centre for Women's Studies, Pune, India
16 November 2020: "Why is half the Church disregarded?" —a Zoom discussion between Tina Beattie and Patricia Kelly for the Centre for Applied Theology
7 October 2020: "Women in the Church" —a Zoom talk by Tina Beattie to the Scottish Laity Network
12 August 2020: "Who is Mary for Women Today?" —Zuzanna Radzik interviews Tina Beattie for the Polish weekly magazine, Tygodnik Powszechny, to mark the Feast of the Assumption.
19 September 2015: "Her Dark Materials: Gender Ideology and Sacramental Engendering" —YouTube recording of talk at Women's Ordination Conference in Philadelphia​​